Supporting Shelters

Here's a selection of Support for Shelters

Providing Important Infrastructure

Supporting our Shelters at the Warehouse

“A big thank you to the team facilitating Warriors 4 Wildlife!
As a new Foster Carer in 2021, we’ve had over 60 animals come into care in our first year. We
were SO grateful for the assistance with food products and care goodies. The demand for our
resources far exceeded what we’d anticipated and to have some support to ease our
financial outlay was uplifting and motivating.
A special thank you for the donation of the Brooder90 Humidicrib, as this specialised piece
of equipment will greatly assist our injured wildlife, and this is especially helpful to nurture
those that come in with hypothermia...wet and cold from the misery of the rain deluges that
have impacted their homes in Gippsland. The Brooder 90 gives us the confidence to care for
any ‘soggies’ that come into care. Thanks again for your uplifting spirit, eort, and generosity.”
— Linda Pettit | Bunurong Wildlife Care Inc.