We love to help, you can too.

We love to help our wildlife, and you can help too!

During Spring many baby birds are found on the ground and are picked up by caring people who think they are lost or in danger. Baby birds called ‘fledglings’ learn to fly from the ground and it is ALWAYS best to leave them be as the parents will be around to feed them. (You can always move them to a safer place or pop them in a nearby bush if they could be in harms way eg, if they are close to the road).

Please do NOT take a fledgling home to look after, they need to be raised by their parents so they can stay wild and live a normal happy life doing what wild birds do.

Sometimes however after a storm or a windy night they may fall out of the nest. Baby birds that are too young or may not have all their feathers, called ‘nestlings’ will need to be put back in the nest. If the nest can’t be found or if it has been destroyed you can make a makeshift nest. Watch our amazing volunteer Nicky show you how you can do this .

If the bird is injured or looks unwell please take them straight to your local vet, if you are unsure or need advice call us on 1300 352 923 and we can find a registered wildlife shelter to care for them.

#babybirds #springtime #fledglings #nestlings #wildliferescue #rehabilitation #helpushelpthem #borntobewild


Thank you so much carol.💚