Education plays a big role at Warriors 4 Wildlife. We love to involve the community by inviting volunteers to participate in projects held by W4W and local communitie and environmental groups. Our team of Warriors are always interested in working alongside organisations that are involved in wildlife and habitat conservation.
Here are some of the projects we love to get involved in:
Possum Box Making Workshops
When a possum goes into care at a shelter they can be there for a few months and need a home to live in. When a possum is released back to their habitat, shelters like to attach their box to a tree so they can continue to live in their own home. This helps the possum feel safe to integrate back into the wild.
The workshops we run are open to all ages and the boxes made are donated to shelters in need. It’s a great activity for you to do where you can learn all about our possums and at the same time create a new home for them. We also involve local schools, community groups and scout groups to help with the painting of the boxes.
Click on our How to Guides page for more information on how to make a possum box for W4W or for your own backyard.
Possum Box Making Workshop 2019
Clean Up Australia Day
Our nature reserves are teaming with wildlife, however our wildlife are the main victims when it comes to people's rubbish, particularly wild birds. Many end up getting injured or entangled in our litter so it’s very important to keep our reserves clean and take home our rubbish. We often join our local environmental organisations with a team of volunteers to support their efforts in managing and keeping our environment clean for all of us to enjoy.
Example of the rubbish that affects wildlife are:
String/Fishing line
Plastic bags
Elastic Bands
Power cords/charge cables
Plastic rings around bottles
Face masks
Please cut any rings with scissors before disposal as rings can often end up around the necks of native wildlife. If you see litter on the ground, be a Warrior and dispose of it responcibly to make a safer environment for our animals.
A Magpie nest with charging cables and twine which their babies may become entangled.
Tree Planting Days
Trees are important for many animal species. They provide food, protection from the weather, hollows for birds and possums to live and nest in and cover from predators.
Trees also drop large, rotten branches. These provide sustenance and refuge for snakes, frogs, invertebrates, geckoes, lizards and other animals. Please leave these in your garden as they are vital for animals as well as a great feature.
Many species of wildlife are threatened due to a reduction in available habitat, they depend on trees to survive. Warriors 4 Wildlife helps to improve the environment and biodiversity by giving our volunteers opportunities to participate in events that support conservation.