A Juvenile Butcher Bird
UPDATE: The magpie has fully recovered overnight after some R&R and was released back to its home today Updated pictures of the release below.
Today's rescue involved a juvenile Butcher Bird that was discovered on the side of the road, exposed to the unforgiving heat of the sun. Fortunately, one of our dedicated volunteers spotted him, quickly scooped him up, placed him into a small, safe box, and transported him directly to the veterinarian for a thorough assessment. Good luck little fella; we are all rooting for you!
Please remember to be especially mindful and slow down on the roads for the safety of wildlife during this busy holiday season. If you happen to come across any injured wildlife, we kindly ask that you take note of the location and call us for assistance at 1300 352 923.
#WaysWeCanHelpWildlife #WildlifeRescue #SlowDownForWildlife #ReportInjuredWildlife