A Magpie trapped in a tree!

UPDATE: The magpie has fully recovered overnight after some R&R and was released back to its home today Updated pictures of the release below.

We received a report from a very concerned member of public about a magpie trapped in a tree in Cranbourne North. Our dedicated volunteers, Jim and Mel, quickly responded, using a ladder to safely cut down the branch and rescue the bird.

They carefully removed the ribbon that had wrapped around its foot using scissors, then transported the magpie to a wildlife shelter for further assessment and care. Thankfully, the outlook for the bird is promising after being evaluated.

Magpies are known to use various types of litter, like ribbons and string, to build their nests. Please be mindful when you're out and about—dispose of any Christmas ribbon or string responsibly. Cutting them into smaller pieces will help prevent wildlife from getting caught.

#WildlifeRescue #DoTheRightThing #ReportInjuredWildlife

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